Boighor - Thème Shopify pour la bibliothèque de livres

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shoppingBag Ventes: 12


Créé: 16 août 2018

Actualisée: 18 sept. 2024

ID: 71430

og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

500k articles | Usage commercial License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Soutien Rejoignez-nous pour télécharger cet article  gratuitement

Boighor - Books Library Shopify Store est une librairie en ligne soignée, propre et simple. Ce thème Bookstore Shopify est parfait pour votre projet de commerce électronique. Il s'agit en particulier de sections Shopify intégrées, utilisant un générateur de pages par glisser-déposer. Le thème Boighor entièrement réactif a fière allure sur tous les types d'écrans et d'appareils.

De plus, 3 versions d'accueil uniques sont disponibles, y compris la mise en page de la boîte. Le thème de la bibliothèque Boighor est facilement personnalisable. Il offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités telles que Mega Menu avec image, menu déroulant, options de couleur de thème, newsletter popup, filtre de collection, onglet de collection, grille de blog et barre latérale, témoignage, informations de contact, carte de contact Google, polices Google et police d'icônes Themify, panier Ajax, Liste de souhaits, blog, intégration des médias sociaux et bien d'autres. De plus, Boighor est très bien organisé, bien commenté et documenté.

Par conséquent, le Boighor - Books Library Shopify Store optimisé pour tous les navigateurs est le meilleur choix pour la bibliothèque, l'éditeur de livres, l'auteur de livres, l'auteur de livres et la bibliothèque de livres. Essayez dès maintenant ce thème Shopify premium créatif et moderne !

Remarque : les images ne sont pas incluses.


Date: 02-09-2024 Version: 2.0.5

  1. Currency Issue Has Been Solved.

Date: 24-07-2021 Version: 2.0.4

  1. Currency Issue Has Been Solved.

Date: 24-06-2020 Version: 2.0.3

  1. Collection Sidebar Issue Has Been Fixed.
  2. Header Icon Issue Has Been Updated.

Date: 27-04-2020 Version: 2.0.2

  1. Blog Grid Style Has Been Updated.
  2. Footer Social Style Has Been Updated.

Date: 01-04-2020 Version: 2.0.1

  1. Header Style CSS Has Been Updated.

Date: 14-11-2019 Version: 2.0.0

  1. Top bar Notification Has Been Updated.

Date: 06-11-2019 Version: 1.0.9

  1. Product Compare Has Been Added

Date: 17-09-2019 Version: 1.0.8

  1. Home 4 (Cristmas) Has Been Added

Date: 02-09-2019 Version: 1.0.7

  1. Shopify Newsletter Popup Has Been Added.

Date: 27-07-2019 Version: 1.0.6

  1. Color Support
  2. Speed Optimize

Date: 20-03-2019 Version: 1.0.5

  1. Product Details has been updated. (Product Description Tab, Related Product, Upsell Product & Collection Sidebar)

Date: 28-01-2019 Version: 1.0.4

  1. Color CSS updated.
  2. Responsive has been updated.

Date: 16-12-2018 Version: 1.0.3

  1. Wishlist has been updated.
  2. Product Details has been updated.

Date: 09-12-2018 Version: 1.0.2

  1. The product description has been updated.
  2. Documentation has been updated.

Date: 09-09-2018 Version: 1.0.1

  1. Fix Target Link

3 Commentaires sur ce produit

The product was for a Shopify Bookstore. I've run my own website before but don't have time to do all the backend work now. I paid Template og体育首页's Team to do the Shopify install and they were great. But when I went to use the product the backend is not at all user friendly like Shopify sites typically are. IT IS NOT! Now I'm at least a month if not two behind on my timeline and stuck having to pay more because I don't have time to work with the author and I don't have time to figure it out. Incredibly frustrating!
PLAINLY A SCAM We bought this template for our new e-commerce, tygstoria dot com. Just after installing it, we tested using and got AWFUL performance score: 8 out of 100 for Mobile Devices and 38 - 100 on Desktop Devices. THIS WAS WITH NO EDITING WHATSOEVER ON OUR SIDE. We proceeded to inform the developer and ask for a re-fund, since we did not want to start improving something we just bought. We showed screenshots of the whole performance audit, and yet they asked permission to enter our shop. We gave those permissions, even though we are not using their template (we ended up buying a much more expensive that was properly built for conversion and search positioning). We have been going back and forth with mails for the past 10 days and they keep on failing at telling us when the re-fund will be done. DO NOT TRUST THIS DEV. P.S. we are happy to change this review if the re-fund is issued by the company.
The template allows a lot of different combinations of appearance.

0 Commentaires pour ce produit

A propos de l'auteur

Guru Author

Customer Support

2,9 /5
Support rating (7 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 3 4 0 3 0 2 1 1 3
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver