BroadAdvisor - WordPress Theme for Consulting Business

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Created: May 30, 2013

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

ID: 44910

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BroadAdvisor - WordPress Theme for Consulting Business

Consulting services over the past few years have become quite popular and popular in business. And despite the fact that they appeared on the market relatively recently, they have already managed to gain confidence from countless companies.

If there is a desire to create a truly high-quality consulting company, the first thing to do is to make a high-quality site. In order for the online platform to be effective, interesting and enticing, it is worth paying attention to modern site templates. Especially for these purposes, we have prepared a creative WordPress theme for consulting business.

The site is the business card of your business and portfolio. A description of the company's history, a list of partners and clients, as well as examples of successful projects allow you to form the image of reputable specialists in the eyes of the audience.

In addition, the development of the website of the consulting company opens a wide range of marketing digital tools: thanks to the methods of targeted advertising and SEO promotion, you can quickly reach the top of search engines for key requests.

Best Modern WordPress Theme for Consulting Business

Many users prefer to collect the most information about the issue and the company itself before contacting the service provider directly. To create a consulting company website, it means to give full information about your activities, answer the basic questions of the client and set up the first contact with him. The WordPress theme for consulting business will help you not only quickly launch your online resource, but also make it high-quality and interesting for visitors.

In the field of consulting, positioning the reliability and responsibility of the company is of fundamental importance. Before ordering a service from you, the customer wants to be sure of your authority. The development of the consulting company's website allows you to provide your certificates, diplomas and publish feedback from satisfied customers. Thus, your site will help to build trust in the eyes of its visitors.

BroadAdvisor - the best template for increasing the popularity of consulting services. That's what you need. This theme is characterized by modern design solutions, convenient blocks for posting information and ready-made pages. They make the site dynamic and interesting. The template has a blog module that will allow you to share the latest industry news. The template has a gallery module, so you can show customers the "true face" of the company that will strengthen your connection with them. The template collected everything necessary for the business.

Features of the template:

  • Elementor
  • Convenient search
  • MegaMenu
  • Modern blog
  • You can change the design
  • Clean code

Creating your site with this first-class WordPress theme will be easier. The theme has an elegant design, it is compatible with all modern browsers. Thus, visitors will enjoy the excellent performance of the site on any modern device and in any web browser. The theme has a fascinating and well-structured page "About the company," which allows you to present the business in a better light. This topic of consulting services allows you to show team members, the whole range of services, customer feedback, projects and much more! Being truly SEO-optimized, BroadAdvisor provides layout creation without code and allows you to edit the site in visual mode.

For your company, based on this template, you can implement any site: landing, business card, corporate. It all depends on which strategy you chose to promote, perhaps what the specifics of your work are. The theme also allows you to work through the creation of a thematic blog. You can highlight the brightest aspects and news on the site, talk about the company and consulting services.

In general, the design of this WordPress business template is strict, clean and understandable - it displays only the necessary information. Everything is provided here to accommodate exactly the information that customers need. Additionally, graphs and calls to action. Numbers and diagrams allow the visitor to feel that he is coming to a serious company that is engaged in statistics and is good at analytics.

A simple template will help you realize your needs and create a fascinating site, and special functionality will make working with the template convenient and interesting.

BroadAdvisor - WordPress Business Consulting Site

Making the site yourself is now possible thanks to a convenient WordPress theme for consulting business. We recommend using bright accents in the topic that will help attract the attention of visitors and keep them on the site. It is important that important information is highlighted on your site. Filling the site is now also much easier thanks to Elementor. You will see all changes in real time and can make changes when you need to.

The adaptive design of these topics allows your customers to visit the website page on a mobile phone or any other gadget, and also really helps to increase the position of the site on the pages of search engine results.

Powerful adaptive template for business sites of any direction. The template is made in a modern style. However, the template is not limited to only business topics. By editing the content for your needs, the site can be used in completely different areas. Functionally, the template allows you to add all the necessary information about your company, including its employees. A very useful call ordering feature will be convenient for both you and your prospects. All sections of the template are ready. Here you can post information about your company, your services, portfolio, customer feedback, blog and your contact details. This is more than enough to create a truly convenient and informative site.

The theme is compatible with a range of plugins that allow you to expand your site.

If you need a serious solution, this topic is great for you. Believe, the BroadAdvisor will not fail you and will become your reliable assistant!


April 24, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

BroadAdvisor (October 26, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

BroadAdvisor (June 30, 2021):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.2 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.7 compatible.

34 Reviews for this product

This is a very comprehensive and beautiful template, give you a feeling of control
Ótimo e lindo tema. Mas, esperava poder alterar via painel as mudanças que só consegui via arquivos diretamente. No geral gostei e já estou pesquisando no tema para comprar. Parabéns a equipe Template og体育首页.
i like it .. it is a very good theme it so good for customization and working very well on mobile too
Buen plantilla, justo lo que necesitaba el cliente, facilmente personalizable
Bardzo fajny szablon super łatwy w obsłudze - serdecznie wszystkim polecam!

7 Comments for this product

Hi There, I have a question before I buy the Theme: What does this Theme use to make pages? Something like Visual Composer or Avia or Shortcodes? Thanks! Kind Regards
Thanks for your question! Neither of those you mention. We recommend you to take a look at our WP templates that have MotoPress Editor already integrated - . It's also a visual editor.
I'm having difficulty customizing the template. It specifies to have 80+ shortcodes but I do not see the icon in the toolbar when I'm in viewing mode in a page edit view. For example: i'm trying to find out where to go to edit the very top line in the theme and it has been 3 hours to edit the address, phone, email...Please help! :-(
Please contact our 24/7 free support with this - . Our specialists will be glad to assist you!
Hi, I like how it is shown latest projects on home page with rolover efect, but i would like to open other pages when click read more. How can i use 4 boxes od la test projects IF i not use projects post. Thanks.
Hello. I have problem with filtering on portfolio page. It doest't work. Why?
How can I edit the color and symbol for each menu? I replaced "projects" with another page, now only shows the name, no icon and black frame only. Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your question. Feel free to visit our free live chat - . Our specialists will be glad to help you!

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